Lesson Five Topics

Lesson Five Overview
History of the Neutron Star
The Discovery of the Pulsar
Pulsars and Neutron Stars
How Do Neutron Stars Form?
Properties of Neutron Stars
The Magnetic Field of Neutron Stars
Why Do Neutron Stars Pulse?
Millisecond Pulsars
Pulsar in the Crab Supernova Remnant
Why Study Pulsars?

Activities and Quizzes

Lesson Five : Activities and Quizzes

Activity 2: History

Materials: Paper, pencils, colors, internet access (if students are to include more events than those mentioned in the lesson).

Procedure: Illustrate a timeline that identifies (date and event) the important events in the discovery of neutron star. Include other important astronomy events that occurred during this time span that interest you.
  1. Review the events that led to the discovery of the neutron star (See �History� section in above lesson).
  2. Draw a timeline featuring at least 5 events (with their date) in the history of neutron stars and pulsars.
  3. Illustrate several of these events with drawings.
  4. Research online some other events in the history of astronomy in the twentieth century (possible topics include black holes, quasars, x-ray astronomy, or gamma ray astronomy). Add some events regarding these topics to your timeline.
Here are a few other timelines you can review for inspiration:
Timeline Index
Challenging the Space Frontier

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