Autoarchive copies static image files and assigns a filename based on system time: filename + mmddyyhrmmss + extension. "Sync with Roof" causes the program to only function when the roof is open. It reads the logfile of the roof software to determine what the last roof action was. Autoarchive.dat needs to be given the path and filename of the roof software log. "AutoArchive On" activates a timer that automatically creates new files at the specified interval in seconds. "View Images" shows the current image files that are being archived. "Exit" ends the program. "Manual Archive" creates only one set of archive files based on the current system time. The Listbox shows the current operation and status. Error messages are also displayed. The program info is loaded from a text file "AutoArchive.dat". This can be edited with any text editor such as NotePad.exe. The format is: 'input files 'loadfile1$ = "W:\paricams\pariwebcam32.jpg" 'loadfile2$ = "W:\solar\halpha.jpg" 'output files path + new filename (No filename extension) 'savefile1$ = "W:\solar\flare" 'savefile2$ = "W:\solar\spot" 'extension should be same as loadfile extensions 'extfile1$ = ".jpg" 'extfile2$ = ".jgp" 'final filename example will be savefile1$ + MMDDYYHRMMSS + EXTFILE1$ 'pathlogfile = "log_roof.txt" 'roof software log file for sync A typical autoarchive.dat file would be: "W:\paricams\pariwebcam32.jpg" "W:\solar\halpha.jpg" "W:\solar\flare" "W:\solar\spot" ".jpg" ".jpg" "log_roof.txt"